A finished square, surrounded by borders |
I can't believe it's time for school to start again! I've seen children in the stores buying their school supplies. They are so excited. Did you know that you can help your child "design his own fabric" using that washable, gel school glue?
1.Draw design on white paper |
First, have your child draw a simple picture or design on white paper or the dull side of freezer paper. If the lines are not dark enough, go over them with Sharpie. Do not use a water based ink!!!
2. Trace onto muslin. |
Second, place muslin over the design and tape it down so it won't shift. Trace it off using a pencil or a pen with heat sensitive ink, such as FriXion by Pilot.
3. Trace over lines with school glue. |
Third,using the tip of the glue bottle, trace over the lines of the design with the school glue. If you want areas to remain white, fill them in with the glue. Let the glue dry completely. If you live in a warm, sunny place like I do, you can set it outside. (Be sure to anchor the edges so the wind doesn't blow it. In fact, you might tape it down to a surface first.)
4. Fill in the areas inside the lines with watered down acrylic paint. |
Fourth, give your child some watered down acrylic paint in the colors needed and instruct him/her to fill in the areas between the lines of dried glue. If you want a more permanent color, use a liquid dye or fabric paint such as Dye-na-flo or Setacolor. (There may be other brands intended for this use also.) Sometimes it might be helpful to wet the areas first so that the paint will blend better. The design will fade when you wash the glue out, so it should be darker than you want the final color. Let the paint completely dry. This can also be done out in the sun.
5. Iron the dried fabric on the back to heat set the colors. |
Fifth line your ironing surface with paper towels and iron the back of the fabric to heat set the color.
Sixth, wash the fabric to remove all traces of glue. You can wash it in the washing machine along with an old towel if you have difficulty removing the glue. Press it well and add borders or use as you would any other fabric.
Your child will be so proud of the fabric he/she created! Let him make enough for a gift quilt or pillow. Make a set of table napkins out of them. Make a tote bag for school. How about a nap quilt for your preschooler. Don't worry if the design doesn't turn out to be a masterpiece. The important part was the process. If your child is proud, that is what counts.
Let your child experiment with designing with the glue. Show him how to make swirls, letters, names, numbers. Try designing on a light colored fabric instead of muslin to see what that will look like.
You may have to buy another jar of school glue to send to school!