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Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Favorite Book on Quilting

I love books, so the title is really a little misleading. I have a LOT of books and many are favorites for certain areas of quilting, but there is one comprehensive guide to quilting that I have used since I first started quilting. I am "self-taught", so when I first started quilting I searched for a book that would cover most of the bases. This is the book I used. I love it! I still use it. In fact, as you can tell by the photo, it has been used so much it is coming apart. I need to have it spiral bound or something. It gives you a little advice about just about every area of quilting. It is published by Rodale  and is The Quilters Ultimate Visual Guide. The editor is Ellen Pahl and it is written like an encyclopedia with entries by 60 expert quilters. It was published in 1997. I love it so much, it is the one book I grab when I need something for a trip and I want a quilting book. It is full of tips labeled "Try This" that give tidbits of information that are "above and beyond" the basics. There are also little boxes called "Taking the Trouble Out of...." and there you find further information about solving problems you may have had in quilting. You can find it in a lot of quilt shops or at and   It is also available for the Kindle. So next time you need a good book, or want to give a gift to a quilting friend, take a look at  The
Quilters Ultimate Visual Guide.
(I have no affiliation with this book or publisher. I just think its a really good book!!!!)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good book to have. I wonder what it has on making bindings lay flat on curves.

    Since I have taken up designing purses and like using bindings over the outside seams I find that I have a difficult time making the curves lay as flat as I would like. I love curves because they soften a design.

    Maybe, you can do a post on that.


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